
Fuel Better, Run Faster

Get the strategies you need to fuel with confidence, conquer your workouts with ease, and love running again

See what those who have done it have to say:

Have you and running lost your spark?

As a runner, you know it can be SO hard to find reliable nutrition and training advice online.


Everything you read, hear, or scroll past seems to contradict everything else!


The vast majority of information out there just isn’t geared toward runners, so you’re left to try and figure it out on your own.


Because of this, you’re feeling frustrated, overwhelmed, and most of all, confused.


Your running isn’t improving, and you’re not seeing the weight or body composition changes you hoped you would.


You might feel like you’re putting in a lot of work, yet aren’t seeing any results. 


If you’ve fallen out of love with running lately, let The Fuel Train Recover Club re-ignite that spark

The Fuel Train Recover Club will equip you with the RIGHT nutrition and training strategies you need to become a faster, stronger, more confident runner, optimize your body composition, and feel great while you do it!

Are you ready to love running again?

Are you ready stop endlessly Googling and scrolling social media looking for answers, only to wind up with more questions? 


Are you ready to start seeing actual, measurable improvements in your performance and body composition?


Are you ready to finally feel good about your eating and training routines and get out of your running rut?

Then The Fuel Train Recover Club is here for you!



The Fuel Train Recover Club


This is a 12-week Group Program designed specifically for runners aimed at improving your running performance, body composition, and relationship with food and exercise.


It is a one of a kind resource for any runner who wants to find balance in their nutrition and get the best results from their training. In as little as 12 weeks, this program will teach you how to make your daily eating choices with confidence and learn how you can work smarter, not harder when it comes to your running. 

  • Learn how to eat to support better performance
  • Optimize your body composition
  • Learn how to train your gut to reduce stomach issues that can hurt your performance
  • Figure out the perfect meal timing strategy for you and your training schedule
  • Get new meal ideas, recipes, and done-for-you meal plans (grocery lists included!) to take the guesswork out of what to eat
  • Get answers to your biggest nutrition questions (like how often can I have pizza, dessert, or a glass of wine?)
  • Improve your relationship with food and exercise
  • Eat the foods you love without feeling the need to punish yourself with running
  • Learn how to train for your upcoming races
  • Ensure you’ll be at peak performance on race day
  • Improve your running and prevent injuries with strength training to improve your running and prevent injuries
  • Build on your performance and PRs each year by learning the best race schedule for you
  • Work smarter, not just harder by finding the right balance of training and rest
  • Gain confidence in your nutrition and training strategies so you know what you’re doing is working!

Have a question about the Fuel Train Recover Club? Send us an email!


What exactly is included in the Fuel Train

Recover Club?

On demand access to the Fuel Train Recover Online Course

Members-only live coaching calls

Unlimited email support with our team

  • Learn about the importance of eating the right amount to fuel your training, and how to figure out what that looks like.
  • A look at what you’re eating right now and assess your current dietary habits
  • Learn about how you can optimize your meal timing for better performance and body composition
  • Learn what to eat before and after each workout to get the best results
  • Get access to complete meal plans and recipe collections to make figuring out what to eat when a breeze
  • How to fuel and hydrate during your training runs to avoid hitting the wall or getting dangerously dehydrated
  • Learn step by step strategies to train your gut to avoid stomach issues that can get in the way of your training
  • Learn How you can find balance with your relationship with food and training

  • Learn about the importance of building your running base
  • Learn how to use the right kind of speed workouts to reach your goals
  • Learn to periodize your training so you can improve your running performance race after race and year after year
  • Learn how to use strength training to your full advantage as a runner
  • Get access to sample running training plans for everything from base building to a full marathon

  • Tips and strategies on self care for runners
  • Help you find the right balance of training and rest to let you work smarter, not just harder
  • Key practices to optimize your workout recovery so you can get more out of your training plan
  • Nutrition for recovery (what to eat and when to recover faster!)

Best Value


One-time payment of



Easy Payment Plan


6 monthly payments of



About Me

Hey there! I’m Steph Hnatiuk


(Steph the Runners Dietitian!)

I have over 10 years of experience as a Registered Dietitian and Fitness Coach and have helped thousands of people improve their running performance, body composition, and develop a better relationship with food and exercise.

These days, I’ve taken my education and expertise in the areas of both nutrition and fitness to create a one-stop-shop for runners who want reliable, personalized nutrition and training advice that’s created specifically with runners in mind.


Q. Are there payment plans available?

Yes! You can pay the amount in full, OR choose from a 4-month payment plan.

Q. Can’t I get the same result from buying a book on nutrition for runners?

The Fuel Train Recover Course offers more than just a bunch of text or videos. Instead, it provides you with everything that’s needed for learning and asking questions; including spaces where people can support one another while going through this process together.


It sounds crazy, but according to statistics, joining a community and getting accountability support increases your chances of success by 95%.


That means if you want to achieve something BIG in 2022 with your running, being part of something like the Fuel Train Recover Course will ensure you’re on the path to getting there.

Q. I haven’t run a race before, should I get more experience before I join?

Nope! The Fuel Train Recover course is open to runners of all levels, even all you brand-new runners who are always questioning whether or not you’re a real runner! Basically, if you want to learn how to eat and train to be the best runner you can be, learn how to find the best body composition for you, and improve your relationship with food and exercise, this course has your name written all over it! Even if you never run a race in your life, but love running and want to do it properly then this course is for you!

Q. I’m rehabbing an injury, should I join this program?

Yes, you are more than welcome to join this course to learn more about nutrition, training strategies, and how to recover to get the most out of your hard work. But, please also work with a rehab specialist (like a physiotherapist or athletic therapist) for a personalized rehab plan. 

Q. How much information will you have for diets like gluten-free, or vegan?

Not to worry! There will be plenty of meal plans, recipes, and resources just for you. And, you can get all of your personal nutrition questions answered via email or during our Q&A sessions!

Q. My race isn’t until the fall, when should I join?

You can join anytime you like, but for best results grab a spot in this course 4-6 months before your race date to help you prepare as you move through base building into race-specific training.

Q. How can I get my questions answered during the program?

You’ll have plenty of opportunities to get your questions answered as you go through this course! Email support is always available as well as discussion within the course modules. As well, we’ll be having regular live Q&A sessions where you can join in on zoom, ask your questions, get some live coaching, and meet other awesome runners! 

Q. I’m really busy. How much time will this program take?

As much (or as little) time as you like! The beauty of this program is all of the course content will be available to you at all times. This means you can work at your own pace through the information, or jump around from chapter to chapter to get the answers you need most when you need them. You can join us live for the Q&A calls, or listen to the recordings when you have some free time.

Q. I need more one on one help, how can I get extra support?

You can ask questions anytime via email, in the discussions on our online learning platform, or during our Q&A calls. If you need additional assistance, you can also book a 1:1 appointment with myself.

Q. I don’t need help with my training, just my nutrition. Will the course be worth it?

Yes! Not only will you get access to all of the nutrition modules, sample meal plans, recipes, and resources, You can also come to the live group calls to get all of your burning nutrition questions answered. It is always a good idea to look at your nutrition in the context of both your training and recovery strategies, and this course will help you make sure all 3 pieces fall into place. 

Need some fresh meal ideas and

recipes to fuel your running?

Sign up below and get your copy of my COMPLIMENTARY Fueling Guide for Runners!