05 May Want to Eat Like an Athlete? Don’t Make these Fueling Mistakes!
Want to eat like and athlete? If you’re looking to optimize your performance, avoid these 3 nutrition missteps!
As an athlete, I’ve made my fair share of fueling mistakes. I’ve under-fueled (hello, hitting the wall!), over-fueled (hello, running to the bathroom instead of on the track!), and just plain gotten it wrong. And all of the athletes I work with have made mistakes as well! So, if you’ve struggled along the way you’re not alone. The good news is, I’ve come a long way and with a little trial and error have been able to optimize my nutrition plan and start beating my PRs. And you can too! Today I’m sharing the 4 most common nutrition mistakes I see athletes make, and what you can do to avoid them!
You’re reading the WRONG nutrition information online
Much of the nutrition content we come across online is geared toward the “general population”. For example those trying to manage a chronic disease, or lose weight. Nutrition content geared toward athletes can be hard to come by (especially younger athletes!), so you might find yourself trying to follow diet advice that’s more suitable for a 60-year old with type 2 diabetes. And it just isn’t going to work.
For example so many athletes come to work with me and have a huge fear of sugar. They’re spending time on health and fitness websites that just aren’t gearing their content toward an athletic population. This fear of sugar can cause them to follow a diet that is too low in carbohydrates to fuel their performance. Some are even unsure if they should be eating fruit! They would never dream of consuming any type of sports drink mid-workout even during the longest training sessions. This mindset of food fear and following the wrong advice is definitely going to impair your performance, not enhance it.
My advice? Be sure the nutrition content you’re seeking out online is geared toward athletes or at least a highly active population, not meant for someone trying to manage high blood sugars or lose 30lbs! As athletes, carbohydrates are necessary for fueling our training, and the harder we train the more we need. Better yet, get the help of a sports nutrition expert who can help you personalize your diet to meet your training needs!
If you’re curious about the role of sugar in a runner’s diet, check out my blog post below!
The Truth About Sugar for Runners
You’re not adapting your nutrition strategy for your training schedule.
Many athletes I meet are used to following the same meal schedule day in and day out, regardless of when or how long they’re training for. This can leave them eating at the wrong times, or under-fueling on heavier training days. Long or intense workouts can also decrease your appetite, which can lead to an even bigger energy deficit on those days. Under-fueling can leave an athlete feeling drained, and increase risk of injury.
My advice? Having a solid nutrition plan in place ahead of time is key. Take a look at your weekly training schedule and write down what you’ll need to eat when in order to optimize your fueling (and recovery!). Be sure to also pencil in time for preparing those meals or snacks, so you’re easily able to stick to your plan.
For longer runs, extra fuel is necessary. Learn all about this topic in the blog post below.
You’re under-fueling around the times when you’re most active
This is a biggie. There’s this old rumor that’s been circulating for years about how you “burn more fat” when you exercise while fasted. Since many athletes want to be as lean as possible, not eating before a training session or practice is common. Some athletes may also struggle with GI distress if they eat too close to exercise. They’re might think it’s better safe than sorry and skip the pre-workout meal.
Now, the whole “fat-burning fasted exercise” myth is not entirely false, but it depends more on the intensity of our exercise, not our pre-workout meal. When we don’t have enough fuel in our bodies to sustain high level activity, we’re going to crash out. This means you might be able to go for a walk around the block without eating beforehand and not notice any ill effects, but are seriously going to struggle with a team practice or tempo run. Over the long term, this can lead to muscle loss and will seriously impair your sports performance.
My advice? Don’t skip that pre-workout meal! You’ll feel more energized, perform better, and get better results from your training if you’re adequately fueled. Try various combinations of different carbohydrate foods to see what your GI system can tolerate best, and work with a professional if digestive distress is causing you serious concerns. Just like you train your muscles you can also train your gut over time to be more accepting of food before exercise. Really!
For more info on intermittent fasting and if it can improve performance, read the blog post below!
Could Intermittent Fasting Unlock Your Athletic Performance Potential?
You’re eating for looks, not for performance
Hey, I get it, we all want our hard work as athletes to “show”. But a low body fat percentage will not necessarily pay dividends in terms of your actual sports performance. Athlete’s bodies come in various shapes and sizes just like everyone else. Comparing your looks to others rather than focusing on how you perform as an athlete is a waste of your precious time and energy.
My advice? If you’re really restricting your calories, avoiding certain foods due to weight gain concerns, or are getting obsessive with your 6-pack or the scale, it might be time to re-evaluate your current nutrition strategy to see if it’s really working for you. Chances are, changing your perspective to fueling your body for performance, not looks will pay off far more in the long run. Not only for your athletic performance, but your overall physical and mental health too.
The Fuel Run Recover Podcast goes into depth on this topic in Episode 1: Why ‘Eat Less Move More’ is Keeping You Stuck. Check it out!
Want to discover even more about how you can fuel better for stronger, faster running? Check out the Fuel for Runners online course!
Or, learn more about working with me here!
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