Garmin Coach: A Pro Running Coach on Your Wrist?

A few months ago I was playing around with my Garmin Connect app, and found their Garmin Coach platform. This offering through the Garmin Connect app describes itself as "Having a pro running coach on your wrist". With it, you can set a race goal, whether to just complete your race or finish with a specific time goal. From there it creates a running program to get you to your goal. This includes a weekly schedule different types of training runs, suggestions for pace, and additional content in the form of written articles and videos.

Easy running is a critical but often overlooked part of becoming a stronger, faster runner. And, to be fair it isn't hard to understand why. It doesn't make a lot of logical sense that running SLOWER allows us to eventually become FASTER. Practice usually makes perfect, right? So, shouldn't we practice running fast if we want to get better at running fast?

Curious about running and your hormones?

You've probably heard by now that hormones are responsible for regulating all of the processes that occur within our bodies. That includes regulating when we're hungry, how well we sleep, and where we're more likely to store fat. Since hormones regulate everything that we do, there is lots of potential for things to go wrong! The truth is, we've all probably suffered from some degree of hormone imbalance over the course of our lives. This blog will focus on the major hormones that regulate our appetite, body composition, and ability to recover from exercise. You will learn their function, signs of imbalance, and what you can do to help support balanced hormones, naturally!

Why should you, an athlete, work with a sport dietitian? Well, most athletes would agree that nutrition is a key component of great athletic performance. We know that when we eat better we feel better, can train better, and therefore compete better. Despite knowing about the importance of nutrition, few athletes give their personal nutrition strategy the time and attention it deserves.

Home workouts have become the new norm for a lot of us these days. Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, gyms have been closed, reopened, reduced capacity, etc. Who knows what will happen next!?

Physical activity is an important coping mechanism for stress for many of us, and no matter who you are right now these are some STRESSFUL times.

It’s extremely frustrating, especially when we don’t have all the equipment we want to use at home.

But, what if I told you there are many home workout hacks that could make it SO much easier for you! And you most likely have everything you need, right at home!

When there's still some snow on the ground and the temperatures are hovering below zero, that summer or fall race you signed up for may feel really far away. But race day will be here before you know it, and you want to be prepared! From your running gear to your nutrition to your training plan itself, there are certain aspects of preparing for a race that just can't be left to the last minute.

Maybe this is your first event, or maybe you've got a few medals in your collection already but if you still feel like a newbie on the running scene, this article is for you!

Should The Game Changers change your sport nutrition game?

There's a new nutrition documentary making waves on the Netflix scene. Called The Game Changers, it's the personal story of James Wilks, a former UFC fighter. He began following a vegan diet in an attempt to recover faster from a serious injury he sustained during training. While learning more about the best diet that would help his body recover, he had his mind absolutely blown by the fact that eating plants are actually good for you! (it should be noted here that clearly many athletes receive little to no nutrition education as part of their training programs). He was so impressed by the results he had from going vegan, he made a whole documentary about it. In this film he highlights other athletes who claim to have found performance advantages by trading in their steaks for tofu.

Of course in the past few weeks the discussion surrounding this documentary has been blowing up my social media feeds and DMs, so I had to check it out.