What sets distance runners apart from people who like to just run a few miles for fun or general fitness?
The long run!
A weekly long run is a core component of race training cycle. It helps build endurance, mental stamina, and gives you a chance to rehearse what you'll eat, drink, and wear in order to have a successful race. A long run is typically defined as anything lasting 90 minutes or longer, but if you're a newer runner or training for a shorter race you may not need to include runs this long in your plan.
But, your long runs require a little more planning and preparation compared to heading out the door for a short 4-5 miler.
The key to a successful long run is to fuel yourself well. This means having a solid nutrition plan for before, during and after your run.
In this post we'll be breaking down these 3 key elements for long run success, including what you should be eating, how much, and when!